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Showing posts from August, 2011

Facebook and Adopted Children

AN UPDATE: Following the post of this blog, the recommendations have been incorporated into a pledge for parents. You can access the pledge on Facebook, and by clicking "like" you are indicating you pledge to educate and teach your kids about safe use of social media. Please raise awareness and encourage your friends to take the pledge. POSSE - Parents Offering Safe Social Media Education. ( Click Here to take the Pledge.) An increasing problem with my work with foster and adoptive families is a child's access to Facebook. This social media tool has opened a Pandora's box of communication and family contact issues between adopted children and their birth families. Not all of these connections are bad or harmful but many times the family connection that is made can be overwhelming emotionally and even retraumatizing. I have discussed these issues with many families and have a few suggestions for managing Facebook and other social media. 1. No child younger than 13 ye...