A recent article by Jennifer Moses in the Wall Street Journal has been receiving considerable attention for calling out moms who allow their 12-year-old daughters to dress like prostitutes. Her observations of changes in young girl’s fashions are largely and sadly correct. You can read the article here: Why Do We Let Them Dress Like That? As a man, I am woefully inadequate to comment on the female feelings and cultural motivations that might contribute to a mom participating in and encouraging their daughter’s poor tastes in fashion. Though I think many of the author’s speculations are correct, I feel she has missed commenting on one important area of a daughter’s development: Fathers. Not once in her article are dads mentioned. I am not even sure the author’s marital status is clear. This is a problem for two reasons. My first problem is that as a father of two girls I can say that we as dads have been complicit participants in allowing this problem to occur. Not enough dads are stand...